Meet Our Fellows

Murnaghan Fellows come from law schools and clerkships across the country and bring a broad range of educational, professional, and personal experiences to the fellowship.

Meet Our 2023-2024 Fellow: Melanie Babb

Working for Social Justice

Since the establishment of the Francis D. Murnaghan, Jr. Fellowship in 2001, our fellows have briefed and argued hundreds of cases, giving voice to the underrepresented in federal and state appellate courts. Fellows come from around the country, bringing with them a deep commitment to practicing law in the public interest. Through their work, they are able to raise issues of profound importance to people and communities affected by poverty and discrimination.

Our Accomplishments

Murnaghan Fellows have advanced the reform of the criminal justice system; ensured redress for housing and employment discrimination, wage theft, and abusive debt collection practices; expanded access to counsel; protected the rights of immigrants and parents with disabilities; and more for more than 20 years.

Baltimore Roots, National Impact

baltimore,maryland,usa. 09-07-17 :  Baltimore skyline on sunny day.

Each fellow joins the staff of the Public Justice Center (PJC) in Baltimore, a nonprofit legal advocacy organization that focuses on systemic change for people who live in poverty and face racial injustice and structural inequities. During a one-year term within the PJC's Appellate Advocacy Project, the Fellow authors briefs and presents arguments in high-impact cases in the appellate courts, with local, statewide, and national implications.


Baltimore law deprives evicted tenants of their belongings and violates constitutional protection of private property, brief argues

December 7, 2023 Medicine. Clothes. Personal identification. A loved one’s ashes. Pets. Tenants have lost all of these things in evictions as a result of Baltimore’s confiscation ordinance. Under the…

Read More about Baltimore law deprives evicted tenants of their belongings and violates constitutional protection of private property, brief argues

Juvenile delinquency court is no place for very young children, Maryland Supreme Court rules

September 19, 2023 Children should be treated as children. This principle is at the heart of recent juvenile justice reforms in Maryland, including a provision in the 2022 Juvenile Justice…

Read More about Juvenile delinquency court is no place for very young children, Maryland Supreme Court rules

Updates from the Appellate Advocacy Project

June 28, 2023 Decisions in appellate cases have the power to affect major areas of people’s lives, from employment to housing to safety. Given the potential impact, the PJC’s Appellate…

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