The Fellows Blog

Thank you, Mel!

Reflections from Murnaghan Fellow Melanie Babb August 28, 2024 We were fortunate to have Melanie Babb as the 23rd Francis…

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Fourth Circuit sides with Baltimore City couple and affirms their damages awarded in Tenant Holding Over case

June 21, 2024 – In the fall of 2023, the Public Justice Center, Homeless Persons Representation Project, and Maryland Legal…

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Amicus brief on wage theft filed in the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals

October 17, 2023 – The Appellate Project filed a brief in Benshot, LLC v. 2 Monkey Trading, LLC, which is…

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Baltimore law deprives evicted tenants of their belongings and violates constitutional protection of private property, brief argues

December 7, 2023 Medicine. Clothes. Personal identification. A loved one’s ashes. Pets. Tenants have lost all of these things in…

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Juvenile delinquency court is no place for very young children, Maryland Supreme Court rules

September 19, 2023 Children should be treated as children. This principle is at the heart of recent juvenile justice reforms…

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Maryland Supreme Court condemns racist commentary in lower court decision, calls on judges to consider the impact of biases when writing opinions

June 28, 2023 In a noteworthy decision, the Maryland Supreme Court reminded appellate judges that they have a responsibility to uphold…

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Updates from the Appellate Advocacy Project

June 28, 2023 Decisions in appellate cases have the power to affect major areas of people’s lives, from employment to…

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Updates from the Appellate Advocacy Project

Advocacy on unemployment insurance, disability discrimination, and retaliation protections February 2, 2023 It’s been a busy few months for the…

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Court of Appeals rules that Kent County bailiffs’ “Thin Blue Line” facemasks fuel bias and violate defendant’s right to an impartial jury

September 30, 2022 The display of the “Thin Blue Line” American flag on bailiffs’ COVID-19 facemasks in a Kent County…

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Thank you, Michael!

Reflections from Murnaghan Fellow Michael Abrams August 24, 2022 We were fortunate to have Michael Abrams as the 21st Francis…

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Court of Appeals decisions bring victories for workers’ rights and court transparency, mixed results for rental licensing enforcement

August 23, 2022 Decisions from the Court of Appeals have wide-ranging impact on Marylanders’ lives, affecting everything from workers’ rights…

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Amicus brief challenges “high-crime area” and “unprovoked flight” as justifications for police stops

July 12, 2022 The Fourth Amendment is supposed to protect people from unreasonable searches and seizures, yet Supreme Court precedent…

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